Howard Grey and Me

So some of you know that I'm in the fortunate position to be helping out Howard Grey: the dad of my friend Camilla who I met at Moving Brands. He's a photographer with a lifetimes work and I'm helping him archive it all. So- lots of scanning, cataloguing, and eventually displaying his work. It ranges from historical journalism type stuff, to portraiture, to model shoots, to fashion, to advertising and corporate work- there's a massive breadth and amount of material and it's a real joy to be able to peruse and dig out gems from someones life's work. Every day is like a treasure hunt. I'm beginning the process of designing and creating a website and blog where you can view the sort-of-archive that it's becoming. (I say sort of because it acts as more of an edited reference for the physical collection/archive which is where high quality prints and scans would be taken from when the need arises.)

This is a nice one I dug out from today. It is from a shoot for the Association of Building Societies. The man shown is a carpet fitter and this was shot at the end of 1969. People that know me will understand that this man's style is what I aspire to, I have a bit of a thing for the Fred Dibnah look.

Manufactured Landscapes

edwardburtynsky_02edwardburtynsky_01edwardburtynsky_03 A nice follow on from the last post: this is a feature length documentary by Jennifer Baichwal about the photographer Edward Burtynsky. He takes stunning photographs of landscapes which have been drastically altered by human activity- think open mines, endless factrories and ship breaking beaches.

It's powerful and beautiful stuff but also very open ended. As Burtynsky himself points out- he doesn't take a 'this is bad' political stand point- but lets people see what they want to see. There's an obvious sustainability and 'aren't we fucking up the planet' message that can be read but also there's a whole look at human progress and our advancement in conquering nature or something.

Interesting film, more a piece of journalism than a pointed 'An Inconvenient Truth' thing but well worth watching.